Hand Rolled Butter

Rochdale Farms Hand Rolled Butter is churned to order. Our producer is a multi-generational creamery in Bonduel, Wisconsin, that has been making butter since 1926.
Natural Result of a Tradition
The fresh, creamy flavor of our butter is the natural result of an old-fashioned butter-making tradition: the butter is churned, pulled from the churn by hand and rolled in parchment, weighed and labeled. Rochdale Farms Hand Rolled butter is made to order and never gets pumped or extruded (a process that can overwork and break down butter fat in butter). It is not heavily manipulated and is never frozen.
Our Rochdale Farms Butter is available in 1 lb hand-rolled parchment wrapped packages, in salted and unsalted. Your mouth will be able to tell the difference.
To request more info or special order for your local co-op, click here to contact our distributor partners at Co-op Partners Warehouse.

*The natural flavoring you see listed in the ingredients of our unsalted hand-rolled butter is lactic acid, a natural dairy product. Unless salt is added butter can begin to go rancid rather quickly so our butter maker uses lactic acid to help us maintain freshness in our unsalted butter.